Fine Addition

Hey y’all, I’ve got some exciting news about the new album! My long time friend and musical compadre, Ty Bailie, is lending his musical talents to a few songs!

Before me and my old band, The Laughing Dogs moved to Seattle, we were going over there a lot, playing shows and getting to know people. One of those people was Ty Bailie. My guitar player, Justin Davis, and I had been invited by Debra Heesch to play a song in a showcase of NW artists for No Depression Fest, I think it was in 2009. There was a backing band that included Ty, that played with each artist of the showcase (Justin and I had chosen the song Joy by Lucinda Williams) and the rehearsals were held at Ty and his wife, Emily’s, house in Wedgewood directly next door to The Fiddler Inn! Not too long after that, we all moved to Seattle and talked Ty into joining our band. I can’t remember if we did one or two tours with Ty when our album, Alone In This Together came out. It might’ve been two that blurred into one but I think it was two. I do remember that it was a blast. We spent Halloween in Philadelphia on one of those tours. It was a Monday night and people must’ve pre celebrated Halloween over the weekend because we played, all costumed up, to about 3 uncostumed people. I was Robert Smith from The Cure, Ty was a shirtless Axle Rose, Justin was Jerry Only from The Misfits, Travis put a wig on and looked like Josh Groban, and I can’t remember who Keith was, maybe one of the BeeGees? We played our asses off for those few people that did come out though! Now I just need to figure out how to get Ty to fly from Nashville to Seattle to play with us when the album comes out. A double synth/keyboard band would be a dream. 

We’ve got til mid July to add the finishing recording touches on this album before heading back into the studio, this time to mix these songs! 


The Name of This Album is…


Where’s The Beef